Cornelia Statna

Cornelia Statna

Clairvoyant & Psychic Medium | Spiritual Coach | Shamanic constellations

Cornelia Statna

“The unconditional belief in the spiritual world is my motivation to make spirituality socially acceptable in our society. Spirituality can be sexy.”

Cornelia was born into a family where spirituality is something natural. Inspired by a dear friend of her grandmother, she started to work with oracle cards at the age of 15. From then on, her clairvoyance was allowed to gradually open, develop and grow in a natural way.

Over the last two decades of spiritual practice and numerous international courses, Cornelia met personalities and pioneers who shaped her spiritual and personal growth.

Inspired by mentors like Janette Marshall CSNU and Alan Stuttle NDD RCA, at the renowned Arthur Findlay College, Cornelia started to share her love for spirituality and mediumistic communication with broader public in order to touch further hearts.

Through her well-founded experience in corporate communications and marketing & sales, Cornelia also brings in the necessary understanding for the material world. Her passion is to create a plattform for exchange as both worlds live in symbiosis. For Cornelia, spirituality is something earthy, dynamic, alive and necessary.

Cornelia lives in Austria and works internationally as a medium, spiritual coach and tutor.

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