The Fatherhood of God
Our world is a rich tapestry of ideas and beliefs, different cultures and societies have their own ways of interpreting the world we live in. Religion has played a pivotal role throughout each culture and is ingrained in the family life of many. The word ‘God’ has taken on many meanings both positive and negative, a presence of greatness outside of us. It’s also something deeper and internal.
There’s a spark of God within us all. An element of truth of who we really are, the divine with is us. The painting depicts growth and power within, understanding the elements that make up the human being, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It’s all part of the journey we find ourselves on to realise our own truth.
Oil on Canvas | 32″ – 40″

Seven Principles
The Seven Principles of Spiritualism offer a belief system and way of living in this world. As an artist I was interested in capturing these ideas in paint. Each principle has multiple meanings which are interpreted the individual, we sometimes need different ideas and thought processes to make sense of what we are experiencing. The paintings offer multiple angles and different dimensions in which the viewer can extract what they need within the moment to realise their own truths.
- Fatherhood of God
- Brotherhood of Man
- Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels
- Eternal progress open to every human soul
- Personal Responsibility
- Compensation and retribution hereafter for all good and evil deeds done on earth
- Continuous existence of the human soul
Why are there only six paintings? Well, the seventh principle is us – Eternal progress open to every human soul. We take inspiration from the other six principles or paintings to further our progress through this life.